Wondering161 said...
Hi guys, im not really one to ask for help but I really need it today. Im just feeling awful. My nerves are feeling like they are so aggitated. I dont really get joint pain like others describe, but this nerve pain is so uncomfortable. It also makes my legs weak and feet numb. Im always cold and just wanna crawl outta my skin sometimes!!
I am only one month into treatment and have taken my share of sick days from work, thankfully my employer is understanding. Im going to take an epsom salt bath tonight after my dinner and meds and hope that will calm things down...for a while anyways. I know everyone is different but hiw long can one deal with this agonizing nerve stuff?
Also, i remember having a red rash under both armpits about a year ago. It lasted a few months but then disappeared. Any thoughts on that? Kinda looked like red scratches, not painful at all so of course I didnt go to the doc at the time. Maybe that was the start of all this?
Lemon water and baths are really my only detox methods currently. Im in Canada and cannot get the alka seltzer gold. I have some activated charcoal tabs...should i take some of these at night before bed?
Any and all help would be appreciated.
the red rash under arm pits sounds like interigo a b6 deficiency