I feel for anyone that has to work and battle Lyme.
Everyone's situation is different. Look for what works for you and your family. Maybe going part time would help. You'd be surprised what expenses you can cut at home to make that work. Have someone help you do the "real" math.
I was fortunate to have a moron for a doctor.
He DX me with Fibro and a deteriorated disc a few years ago. I was able to apply for a disability retirement. It took 2 years and a lawyer for that to be approved. Be warned, if you go that route, you are not able to work while applying and waiting for an answer. The same with SSDI. I used up all my sick time and vacation time and still was left short. Age is a big factor in that equation. Sorry to say, chronic Lyme is NOT. Don't get me started.
Good Luck.