Hi vinny
A few thoughts came to mind as I read your post:
I have many of the same vision issues you do, although they used to be worse.
While lyme & co are definitely culprits in vision issues, MANY lyme and yeast/fungal issues are similar. It took me awhile to figure out which was which. After a year of tx, I'm pretty sure most of my vision problems were due to yeast/fungal overgrowth that took over my sinuses, GI and lungs. Got pretty scary but cleared up significantly when I got on the right antifungals.
When I finally realized the connection w/ my blurry vision, loss of peripheral vision, "spotlights" or strange visual effects, light sensitivity, "jumpy" vision and stabbing eye pain was part of the y/f overgrowth in my sinuses had throughout my head/GI, I was finally able to treat it. I still have a few lingering issues, which I now know are likely the cause of lyme & co, but it was invaluable to easily and quickly address the majority of other y/f sx, and sure makes the ophthalmologist's focus much easier and more accurate.
I'd like to make a few suggestions:
First, oral thrush is a clear red flag for yeast/fungal overgrowth, which is common in those of us because the abx and herbs we use kill all good bacteria in our gut, where most y/f overgrowth begins w/out the good bacteria to keep it under control. Also, some people have problems w/ the high content of alcohol in tinctures. Some people are also at a disadvantage due to preexisting conditions before they even start treatment and some people are born w/ bacterial imbalance due to genetic conditions. And your mouth, like your gut, has a specific flora environment that treatment is bound to disrupt causing the thrush, which can disrupt everything since you take most meds, supplements and FOOD by mouth!
Effective and comprehensive treatment must include very high doses of a good quality, live probiotic with broad strains and an anti fungal.
If you're already having signs of y/f overgrowth, it's time to skip the natural antifungals and engage Rx, like you have (otherwise there are good natural antifungals that are effective preventative protocols).
Unfortunately, the liquid nystatin you are taking is likely very weak and full of fillers. I've run across some liquid antifungals that actually have sugar in them… check the ingredients. In fact, the liquid anti fungal is the weakest product on the market, expensive and pretty ineffective, at that.
Please see the forum conversation below about
Pure Nystatin Powder, 1,000,000 units. For oral thrush it will likely give you immediate relief and you can add the powder to water, swish it around your mouth, coating your entire alimentary canal. Instant relief and will also address any y/f overgrowth in your gut. Hopefully, you can get it under control before any major damage is done, which will lead to a systemic y/f overgrowth issue.
Your fluconazole (Diflucan) is a systemic antifungal, used to address y/f overgrowth throughout the body. Unfortunately, most MDs prescribe it w/out realizing the difference between a local problem and a systemic problem. Nor, do they check which antifungals your particular y/f strains respond to, which Doctor's Data stool tests do.
Leaky gut
Most systemic y/f overgrowth starts in the gut, causing damage to the GI or "leaky gut", which compromises the mucosal lining of your gut allowing fecal matter and yeast/fungus and other debris to seep through and into the blood stream, carrying y/f throughout the body. Leaky gut is a very very very difficult issue to deal with.
But often, you can address y/f overgrowth in your gut w/out implementing the harsh systemic antifungals. Nystatin is derived from the earth, does not cross the digestive barrier (like systemic antifungals do, which is why they are hard on the liver) so it's easy on the body and can be taken long term. Plus, y/f is prone to resistance to the systemics more that the Nystatin.
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=3412983www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=3287783&p=2leaky gut:
www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=30&m=3294327Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have q's:
Post Edited (Pirouette) : 6/1/2015 2:59:50 PM (GMT-6)