Has she shown any symptoms yet? If so that will affect the length of time required to treat the infection.
I believe the ILADS standard for a child with
only the bull's eye rash is still 6 weeks, and then you have to watch for more symptoms to show up. If they do, then more treatment is necessary. PFM will be able to guide you through this too. Is there any way that you can get in to see them at PFM?
Honestly, I would call PFM and ask them how much probiotics your little girl should be on.
Testing is iffy no matter what - the bulls eye is completely diagnostic of Lyme though - no other thing causes a bull's eye rash, only Lyme disease. The testing relies on antibodies that the body may or may not be capable of producing. Lyme can hide in the tissues and stop the immune system from recognizing it so that it can make those much coveted antibodies.
You can see if you qualify for Lyme Tap - it's a program designed to help those that meet the financial qualifications pay for Lyme disease testing:
www.lymetap.com/And you might find this site helpful as well:
www.childrenslymenetwork.org/I haven't been able to go through the site to check it out, as I get highly affected by being reminded by what I went through as a child myself.
And another site you might find helpful: