project: For me personally the high is not the biggest issue it's the Herxheimer it creates at larger doses that are hard to deal with. Additionally, over time you build a tolerance to THC and you don't get as high anymore. I have come to the conclusion that for me it would not be possible to do the treatment and work at the same time due to the Herx.
When I'm having a good day I can take relatively large doses without any negative effects, only the positive ones you would expect and I have to say I don't hate it. I find it really helps me relax. In the end though you will get very stoned and it's hard to do much but watch TV but if that's the price you have to pay then so be it :)
On a bad day though, the Herx can get really intense and it's no joke. It can get extremely uncomfortable with intense anxiety, itching and crawling sensations that drive you crazy because you're not able to stay still.
It still takes time though, I'm almost 11 weeks in and now I'm really starting to see some benefits. Everyone is different but I'm not sure how much progress you could make in a month.
As for CBD being antibiotic or not. According to Dr. Ernie Murakami it can at least kill borrelia spirochetes in vitro and they are working on a clinical trial. still believe some THC is a good thing as they seem to work better together. It makes sense since they bind to different receptors. I'm not sure what the optimum ratio for Lyme would be since it seems to vary from condition to condition, I've seen numbers from 2:1 CBD to THC up to what you posted of 4:1 THC to CBD. GW Pharmaceuticals uses a ratio of 1:1 in sativex as they found that to be the most efficient for treating insomnia, muscle spasms and pain.