sayyadina said...
So I got some of my labs back today, and they bring up more questions than answers.
Do Lyme or coinfections (babesia or bartonella) have any affect on iron in the body?
Are there any genetic mutations that make it hard for you to tolerate iron supplements?
I've always had a really hard time tolerating any form of iron supplement. And it doesn't matter if I take magnesium too.
Total Iron 58 (40-190)
Iron Binding Capacity 383 (250-450)
%Saturation 15 (11-50)
Ferritin 16 (10-154)
Babesia may affect iron, since its similar to malaria it infects red blood cells, but less severely than malaria, since red blood cells use hemeglobin which has iron, infected cells that burst should release iron into the blood, but you should take a blood test to determine if your iron is elevated above normal.