You can easily get customized suggestions for supplements for MTHFR and any of your related defects from here: [ur]
On this site, you may input your 23andme results and then download/print out a customized analysis with supplementation recommendations based on your results that you input. I believe the engine that processes this is done by Yasko or people based on her most recent work.
You can get a 15 page customized to your genes Simplifed Supplement Protocol (gird your loins, because it’s not that simple but it’s understandable if you wade through it and check out the ingredients to the links to her products). You will also get a 53 page Methylation Pathway Analysis.
She considers other mutations like CBS and COMT to be more important to address than MTHFR. Also check out the info about
MTHFR and other gene defects on (done in 2008, an eternity in the genetic world, but his info does reflect Yasko’s opinion as well).
Both Yasko and the doctor who authored this page recognize that a certain combinations of COMT and VDR Taq which DO NOT tolerate high levels of methyl donors (like folate). These individuals do better with other forms of B12 then Methylcobalamin like Hydroxycobalamin and minute amounts of folate. Heartfixer also puts a game plan in place based on several important mutations.
You can also take your 23andme data, go on and have it input into their system for an analysis, but there are no supplement recommendations. someone else in the business noted: Genetic genie is 2 years outdated in what is being analyzed. It includes only the Yasko-related genes from more than a decade ago. Nutrigenomics has come a long way since.
While that’s true, I think one ought to look at as many sources as possible to help and certainly dosing and supplementing is the most difficult problem. I cringe when I see/hear of doctors prescribing massive amount of Deplin (only folate) and not supplementing with B12s or other B cofactors. Good luck.
All I did was break up your post so that it is easier to read by those with Neuro Lyme and troubles with their eyes and make your links into hyper-linksPost Edited By Moderator (Traveler) : 8/7/2014 2:21:52 PM (GMT-6)