rocky01 said...
On my own via a LLND in Peterborough we sent blood to Igenex ($1000) and rec'd a positive result for Lyme.
I'm sure my GP will just say it's a "false positive" and blow me off. I just want to be prepared before I jump down his throat.
Sorry to say, but "jumping down" the throat of your GP will gain you nothing. Mainstream doctors are completely on the side of the CDC and IDSA. They do not believe that infections can cause "autoimmune diseases" or psychiatric/neurological problems. Your concerns will be dismissed.
Better to find an ILADS trained naturopath in Canada, or an LLMD or LLND in the states. They at least will believe you and put you on the path to healing.
There is no way you will change the mind of your GP. He is too entrenched; besides he is not allowed to treat past the time allotted by the College of Physicians and Surgeons for lyme treatment. A couple of months of monotherapy antibiotics are not going to address your infection(s). Be aware that lyme rarely travels alone. Coinfections are more often than not, involved. Bartonella, babesia, anaplasma, mycoplasma, ehrlichia.... Doxycycline will not touch these infections.