The article is a familiar story to a lot of us I'm sure, but just felt good to see it in print In hopes the word is being spread.
Sorry this was so long. if link doesn't work just go to and title is on the right hand side.
Hi, my physio gave me this HOspital News newspaper with the title Unravelling the mystery of Lyme disease: why Canada needs to do more. She picked it up while in Toronto recently for an appointment at one of the hospitals.
It's quite a lengthy four page article. I hope the word keeps getting spread! Maybe some of you have already seen it. swear when I've explained to friends what we have had To go through recently to get help for my son, not trusting Canadas Lyme testing system, sending and paying for blood work to the states, travelling down the road and out of Canada to be seen and treated with antibiotics that are not covered, it really starts to sound fictional or that I'm delusional.
they are confused and dumbfounded and hopefully by the end of our conversation, more aware of what is really going on. I guess unless your going through it or know someone going through it you wouldn't really know. I know i didn't have a clue, till recently.
Add in all those facts about
the actual Lyme itself, and what a person endures, it's quite something else for a person to wrap their brain around isn't it.
Post Edited By Moderator (Girlie) : 8/19/2015 10:07:09 PM (GMT-6)