DazedPete1 - I was thinking the opposite - as I would think the activated charcoal would help take the toxins out...I didn't think it would keep toxins in your body.
So, I googled it. This is what I found:
www.earthclinic.com/cures/c-diff.htmlhealyourselfathome.com/HEALTH_PROBLEMS/INFECTIONS/C_DIFFICILE/C_DIFFICILE_Treatment.aspxI don't know how reliable the above sites are...so check with your Dr. about
whether you should be taking it...or not.
I haven't found the charcoal to be constipating - if it was - then it wouldn't be good to use it, as you want the toxins out.
To keep the bowels moving - probiotics would help....but again, ask your Dr. about
taking them when you have C-Difficile. I would think you'd want to be adding in some good bacteria.