Maine76 said...
I've never had doxy. I was on 3000mg daily or amoxfor a year and was on Zithromax a month, it helped so mind pretty quick too. After about a month my heart went super whacky and I had to stop it symptoms flooded back after a month of feeling nearly normal and I've been sick since third grade. Tried Zithromax again a few moths later and same thing but this time only got through a week and the arrythmias were severe. It seems my heart can't tolerate abx. I have WHY CANT I GET BETTER, and read buhners book finally a couple of weeks ago, I've had it since 2013. Lol I just don't know where to start and am scared to get worse because I have no help. I realize I will get worse if I do nothing as well.... This is so hard
Yes figuring out the starting point is tough. For me I was negative on all the blood tests so I didn't even know which pathogen needed treating. So I had to look at symptoms and go from there.
You know you have lyme, batonella, and babesia. Your symptoms sound like bart/bab to me.
cinchona-bab, maybe bart
Sida acuta-bart/bab
, these may be something worth looking into. Always pick 2, never pick 1, it will leave you
open for resistance.