sebreg said...
In regards to the cowden protocol, I'm a bit confused. On the site it says take the banderol for 2-3 months then switch over to samento? Why is that?
Can you start them both at the same time (albeit very slowly) for synergistic effects? Then rotate in the other herbs like cumanda, enula, etc?
Also, from what I've read a lot of the dosing with these herbs (the antimicrobials specifically) seems to be 2x a day, detox stuff 4x, but I suppose every llmd has their own treatment methodology.
Btw, these herbs are quite powerful as I'm realizing!
I'm not sure where on the site you read this, sebreg but Samento and Banderol are to be taken on the same days (just not at the same time).
I followed the full Cowden protocol and used this schedule as listed on the Nutramedix site (dosing chart starts on page 3:, yes, some LLMD's incorporate some of the herbs and possibly from different protocols.
Without a doubt, herbs can pack quite the punch. In fact, I had my worst-ever herx on Samento and Banderol and that was after taking abx for 5 months.