Boxermomtoo said...
Very interesting. So it must be either a herx or excess toxins. I took two doses of diflucan and the last one was about a week ago. I've had worsening symptoms since taking the first dose, which is right around the time I started the oils. I know Bart is a big problem for me, so that could be it.
Regardless of what you hear people say, Bart itself does not cause herxing. Bartonella is inhabiting the endothelial tissue, these cells are very sensitive to toxins, so if Bart would release toxins it will kill its own house. It is at least 1000 times less toxic than e coli.
However these herbs we take for Bart dont have "Bart" written on them, they kill many bacteria, and some do release toxins and make you feel a bit sick, but never to the same level as a borrelia/treponema herx...
I recommend anyone with Bart/mycoplasma to read Buhner's coinfections book, it's awesome, like a compendium of the research done on these bacteria, they are not just treatment guidelines...