Hi I'd like some advice on my symptoms and how and who to bring the up with.
I've had health problems for 4-5 months now and been to the doctors several times but for different things. It was only when I was going through my head a list of what I've experienced I suspected it could be Lyme Disease and I was hoping for some advice. Here is a quick run down with rough time line.
- Started with a slight cold which lasted a couple of days then went on to
- Sever headaches
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Stomach pain
- diarrhea
- Feeling sleepy all the time
( off work for 3 weeks for all of this)
- Heart Palpitations waking me up.
- Shortness of breath (ambulance called twice)
- Headaches eased up
- But the following got worse.
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Stomach Pain
- changing bowel movement
- loss of appetite
- I lost more weight, (2 (28lb) stone in 2 months)
(referred to gastroenterologist)
- Upper and lower endoscopy found nothing. Put on some antibiotics as h.pylori was found ( I've probably had this years )
- appetite came back a little, weight loss stopped
- Calves started tingling/rumbling sensation
- thighs started twitching
- getting hot prickling sensation on arms and legs
- waking up in hot sweats for no reason
- Sleeping a lot
- Still getting stomach pains
- Bowl movement very odd, standard firm movement followed by the worse diarrhea, then back to normal.
*Went to walk in centre because it felt like my arms and legs were in a hot shower, ie burning pricking sensation.
*Muscle twitches are happening all over my body, arms, legs, back, face.
*Ankles, knees and wrists hurt and crack a lot.
*Went to the doctor with testicle pain. This pain has occurred 3 more times
*Twice I had quite bad toothache for a couple of days on different teeth.
*Had ear ache a couple of times, lasting a day or 2.
*Noticed I'm struggling to speak, I have to stop mid sentence to think what I want to say, having to think of simple words like my children's names, 'chair', 'blanket' etc.
*I'm getting easily side tracked and forgetting why I walked in to a room.
For example going to the kitchen for a drink, seeing something like the jam hasn't been put away, put it away back in the fridge and then stand there thinking 'Why did I come in here in the first place' and then leave without my drink. I've also burned so many dinners as I've forgotten I've put it on.
I feel my doctor is looking at each period of symptoms separately and not seeing the big picture. It was only when I started listing everything I suspected it maybe Lyme.
Now, my hobby is nature photography so I spend a lot of my spare time in the
open, amongst long grass, ferns etc. and I get bitten all the time so dont think much of it.
In August I went to the Lakes to do some photography and I was on holiday in Wales in late August. I remember about
the time of my holiday (about
a month before I started getting ill, I had, what I thought was, an in-growing hair just by my right armpit. It didn't look like a typical bite as it was just a raised red lump which took a long time to heal.
Also thinking it was an ingrowing hair, I tried to get it out. Instead of the normal clearish water I'd expect from a spot from a ingrowing hair, it just bled a lot and there was no hair in there after all. My wife remembers this as it was in a
location that I couldn't get to it to squeeze.
I've got\had other aches, pains, tingles and numbness (half my face went numb for about
a day), but its been going on for so long I can't remember when they started.
Could Lyme disease be a possibility? Should I bring this up as a possibility with my GP? Or shall I bring it up with my Neurologist which I've just been referred to for my muscle twitching?
Thank in advanced
* edited trying to get the last list to work.
Post Edited (StuartEE) : 2/4/2016 5:39:44 PM (GMT-7)