Good luck PeteZa!!!!
I completely understand your hopes for an uninteresting event :)
That's exactly where I was at when I started Andrographis earlier this month. I think I had it in my mind that it might be my "clean-up herb". After all, I've been consistently treating for Lyme for 18 months.
I started 5 drops 3x daily Sage Woman Andrographis on the 5th of this month, got up to 1/4 tsp 3x daily by the 11th and switched to 1 600mg cap 3x daily of Vitacost's Andrographis on the 12th.
I had a slight increase in my mild symptoms....not bad but I am obviously not "done" yet...and I honestly didn't expect to be even though I'd like to be (and that is very old news lol). My symptoms seem to want to make a very.....very.....very.....slow exit.
I do plan on increasing to the 2 caps 3x daily recommendation. I've been trying to increase only when my life is "quiet" and family issues have been interfering with that as of late. Hopefully tomorrow.
Elevated liver enzymes is always a concern and I know you know many things (such as Tylenol) can elevate them. I'd say it's something to watch and we both know that's yet another reason why low and slow is a good idea.
Have you seen this?: