Your test is CDC positive. That's why it says abnormal positive. The current CDC criteria (used by the IDSA and health insurance companies) for a positive Western Blot are as follows:
(a) For IgM, 2 of the following three bands have to be positive: OspC
(22-25), 39 and 41.
(b) For IgG, 5 of the following ten bands have to be positive: 18, OspC
(22-25), 28, 30, 39, 41, 45, 58, 66 and 93.
You were positive for 23 and 41.
I used this site to understand my results. to the board. Sorry that you are here for the reason you are. Please take a few minutes and look through the New to Lyme section. There is a lot of useful information in there. The "how to detox section is especially helpful.