So this is the deal.. first llmd wants up to $8 for treatment, second one what's $1k per consultation, third one said could not help me because I was too far... so I took this one... lol.
Pirouette said...
Uhhh... Robby - I'm not sure of your history, but is this the only lyme specialist in your area? It's doable if it is, but you need a partner, not to be providing a medical professional free consultations...
But back to your original question -
I'm in the camp that feels pretty strongly that lyme & co likely cannot be "cured" in the sense that we use the term "cured" (as in, never going to adversely affect your health again). Like with many viruses - they live in our bodies and most people are asymptomatic and live healthily.
I totally agree that there is no way to know for sure with our criminally inadequate diagnostics. But with the way lyme has been engineered (yes, I said that) it can hide in our bodies in the simplest ways. How in the world could we ever get rid of all of it? The goal is to gain dominance and overall health.
And if we lose ground with our health, opportunistic infections will gain a foot hold. Some people will have more problems with this than others.
just my opinion.