Krimpet said...
I've been taking cats claw since April and I love it (now-lol). It was a bear in the beginning, but like another commenter said I kept at it because I figured it would be of benefit. I started very slowly with 1 drop. I take 13-14 drops, 3x a day. I think I could probably take more but I added in several Buhner herbs over the last couple of weeks and would like to work those up to where I am with the cats claw. Incidentally I stopped the cats claw for like a week or two because of another non-Buhner protocol herb I was trying out and I felt awful without it. That's when I know an herb does a body good, if I stop and feel awful.
How long until you got up to the dosage you're at now? EDIT: woops saw you said since April, Lyme brain moment!
I'm doing powder and started with 1/4 tsp 3x a day.