project said...
re: violets story.
It seems like with Lyme if you get really sick quickly you tend to recover quicker and more fully.
Not entirely sure why this is but I've seen it over and over. Just watch Under Your Skin part 1 and 2 to see the same pattern. (Spoiler alert) The girl who was in the wheelchair and unable to walk recovers fully and becomes a paramedic but the girl who was organizing concerts before can't get back to full health despite seeing one of the best LLMDs Dr. K.
It's an interesting pattern. Is it because there are multiple bacteria involved, and the more a person's condition resembles an acute infection the more the recovery also resembles one (antibiotics work well and quickly)?
Or is it because they get so sick they are forced to seek treatment immediately? This would prevent the development of tons of biofilm over the years that becomes a major barrier to recovery for many.
It seems like with Lyme you either want to have an immune system that gives up on it immediately resulting in becoming deathly ill, or an immune system that can completely deal with it and prevent any illness.
It's the middle group that are in trouble - where the immune system sortof semi-manages it but not quite. This allows the bacteria to slowly grow and root in over a period of years and these unfortunate souls end up having a B of a time trying to recover.
The girl who manages the concerts also wasn't taking abx, just herbals I thought. Could be mistaken.
I don't disagree with your premise however.