JDB15 said...
Will the euro strains show up on igenex if I order just 188 and 189 or is there anything else I need to order?
Yes. Co-infection test. In my opinion the stats for co-infection likelihood is very low (inaccurate). I believe there's a better chance one gets co-infections with lyme than not. I mean do we think the rodent or deer that the vector got infected with (which then infected us) only had one bad thing? Not likely.
Just look at the random sampling of lymies on this forum. Very rare that they only have one infection. We all pretty much have multiple.
So yes get tested for co-infections as well. This is extremely important. It's extremely important because though these co-infections aren't a huge problem by themselves (meaning if a non-immunocompromised person got it) and even resolves by themselves, they don't for us lymies. Lyme suppresses the immune system to the point that the co-infections become a relevant and often times significant problem as well.
You could go the "if I treat lyme and recover, my body will then take care of the co-infection" route. There's some truth to that, however if the body is fighting 2-3-4 infections at once and is already weakened the likelihood of full recover is low (to say the least). You have to treat co-infections simultaneously as well.