Like you most of my problems are neurological symptoms................
Girlie said...
Robby - it's difficult to there is a lot of symptom overlap.
calf pain could be lyme or bart.
Burning in your body - could be either.
Do you have foot pain or rib pain? Any other nervous system symptoms? Buzzing, tremors, vibrations, twitches?
I think response to lyme treatment can be telling. If you treat...and the symptom persists...even after a good amount of time...then it's a good idea to consider a co-infection.
Sometimes a trial of antibiotics targeted at a certain infection will tell you if you get a response - either herxing..or you feel some symptom improvement...then you have that infection.
Also, if your symptoms are predominantly nerve symptoms...that could point to bart.
That was the case with me. My original symptom - was symptoms of a pinched nerve - left shoulder blade, arm, hand. I also developed vibrations in my body (nerve), I had anxiety, muscle twitches, tremors - those are all nervous system related...I have burning nerve pain, as well.
They were my worst symptoms. I also had rib pain, and foot pain.
I did get joint and muscle pain...but no swelling of the joints - I think those were my lyme symptoms.
That's just a few of my symptoms...but I think you get the picture.
It's not always easy to see what is what. I'm still trying to figure out if I have Babesia...and have decided to treat I did lyme antibiotics for 9 1/2 months, and bart antibiotics for about 7 1/2 months....
and I'm not symptom free...