Would you consider using acupuncture? It was the only thing that was helpful to my pain levels, it helped more than any pharma drug did.
If you decide to try it, ask around for referrals for a highly intuitive acupuncture therapist that has had many years of training, many years of apprenticeship and many years of working with it on their own (in a hospital or private practice). They are the only ones worth checking out in my opinion.
I like using this site to help find acupuncture and herbalists, as they usually list quite a bit of information either on this site, or on the practitioner's personal site:
/www.acufinder.com/ And I would encourage you to get started with herbal protocols, since you can't seem to find someone that knows how to help you. I usually recommend Buhner's as it's very comprehensive (there's even a protocol for pain) and is capable of being tailored to suit your specific needs of healing.