No, there really isn't any "typical Lyme symptoms", as it can present with purely joint issues, or purely muscle issues, purely gastro issues, purely psychiatric issues and so on. Some usually have some combination of symptoms, but not always. I started seeing this several years ago, as I've been on this forum for 9 1/2 years now, so I've watched a LOT of people come through posting their symptoms.
Yes, I was seemingly 100% healed - and was living life! I LOVED it!! But, family stress brought on adrenal stress that "suddenly" advance to a dangerous level and I was diagnosed a year later with severe adrenal fatigue (1 step above developing Addison's according to my doc) and my thyroid crashed as well. It was during this time that I had another tick attach (while I was grocery shopping!!! UGH!) and it was about
20 minutes before I could get to a bathroom to lift my shirt and pluck that little bugger off!
And that was the beginning of my second go-round with these infections. That was about
2 years ago. Treating these infections causes stress on the body, and that makes my adrenals and thyroid very unhappy, and so it's been a very slow process to try to heal this time around.