My husband has been suffering the effects of Lyme for the past 4 years or so. We believe he was bitten in early 2011. Over the past few years, on a monthly basis, he has ridden out different symptoms, e.g., stomach pains, extreme exhaustion, brain fog, sore throat, groin pain. Doctors have given the usual rigmarole. Recently an ultrasound revealed a right-sided varicocele, but a CT scan did not show anything further.
We did start seeing a LLMD earlier in January this year. She had him take an Igenix test which revealed that he tested positive for Lyme infection (despite all previous Quest tests showing negative). She prescribed a host of medications and vitamins including an antibiotics regimen. He followed the regimen for apprx 5 months, but he did not feel any better, he actually felt just as poorly throughout those 5 months. Beginning of last month (Sept), he stopped taking the meds entirely (in preparation for the CT scan referenced above). Since he has stopped, he has felt pretty good... He still is somewhat tired, but has not had any bad symptoms for almost a month now.
Is there anything we should be doing to keep him feeling good? He has not been taking any meds at all. I am worried that this good spell will come to an untimely end. I am also worried that if he DOES start taking preventative measures now, it could cause a herx reaction.
Side note: he took a Quest Lyme test last month which actually showed a positive (full-fledged Lyme) so the infection is actually showing up stronger in his system now...
Any advice is much appreciated.