JDB15 said...
Thanks guys.
I guess what's concerning me a little is that I dont have any specific things that people complain of on here. I dont really have joint pain anymore, although I did have very bad axial arthropathy for weeks. I had shooting pains and tingling that is gone.
All I am left with is the feeling of feeling like absolute crap. Sweats (not drenching just get very hot and tiny beads), clammy, weak, flu-like malaise. Did you guys have this as part and parcel? Like aside from the specific symptoms, did you have this overall feeling like you just had a bad virus?
I'm like that to an extreme during the warmer months, but I also have RMSF. I know when I feel like that it's my body trying to fight the invasion. As everyone said, a regular de-toxing routine would minimize that
You might want to take a day's worth of saliva tests for cortisol readings, in case your adrenal glands have been weakened with this battle. Particularly if you feel worse after a meal.