Huddie said...
Wow thanks Multiface,
I never knew that about health insurance companies. Great intel!
His pain seems to be better now - lots of detox, foot bath, and tiger balm.
The Eastern detox article was fascinating, the usual stuff about how we store trauma, etc... but I didn't know the re-experience aspect of it while detoxing. Makes so much sense.
Yes, this is definitely a lesson in 'Know thyself' - lots of alone and down time.
Good to hear that your son's pain has subsided. ( I must be in a giddy mood because I can't stop laughing in regards to Multifacetedme's abbreviated name-Multiface. The visual of it all. I hope it's ok that I said this Multifacetedme. Such a far cry from being multifaceted. It reminds me of when I was being called Buzzly.)
I also get intense migrating pain in Areas of my back. It is usually a signal for me to sit or lie down for a half an hour. Can appear a little odd while at Starbucks, but hey!
All these tweeks and knots are quite stressful at times. The haze in the maze. We all deserve a medal.
Compartmentalized trauma. Very interesting. We all have little pockets of trauma neatly packed away in the recesses of our unconscious mind.
The right triggers bring them to the surface. They can only be suppressed for so long.