I had crushing, crushing fatigue and tons of body/muscle pain. I could barely get up a flight of stairs without huffing and puffing and my leg muscles would burn horribly. Taking a shower would make me dizzy,shaky, and wiped out for the day. I would even have to lie down immediately after getting out. Any and every activity (cooking, laundry, cleaning, etc) would cause even more exhaustion that I could never recover from. Every morning when I got out of bed, as soon as I started walking, it felt like I was walking on Lego pieces.
When I started the acyclovir, within 3 days the foot pain went away. After that it was very slow. about
3 or 4 months in, I noticed one day that I had taken a shower AND drove to the store to pick up eggs! Every few weeks I would have improvements like that. "Hey, I did 3 things today!"
I'm no longer on it and so far, not taking anything else. I just wish I could get rid of my joint pain...still working on that
Oh, also edited to add, when I first started on the acyclovir, I got a terrrrrible rash on my back. It spread to my arms and then to my chest. It lasted a little longer than a month. It looked like flea bites and it itched like nobodies business (it so reminded me of chicken pox as a kid.) I tried every anti-itch cream, lotion, etc. I would scratch in my sleep and end up bleeding
The only thing that helped somewhat was something someone here mentioned when I did a search. It was Pine Tar soap. It really does smell like a campfire, lol, but was helpful