Huddie said...
Not really. Trying. Last night he drank detox tea, lemon water and had detox tea. I got him a dry brush and I can give him ASG or AC. Have a few others but not sure he would do them. Thanks so much.
Do you guys think it makes sense to start Mepron first? I'm thinking the Zithro may make him feel better faster.
Thanks so much!
Personally, I would recommend starting with the Zith first and then adding the Mepron in 2nd. Actually, I dont think it makes sense to start Mepron first because the Zith is supposed to have a synergy effect with the Mepron so it would make sense to start with the Zith first IMO(and from what my llmd has told me).
When I first started Zith, I was prescribed the 600mg pills. I started with 1/3 of a pill for the first 4-5 days, then went to a half pill for 4-5 days...then to the whole pill. I had and still have noticeable herxing (lymph's in neck swell, etc.) with Zith.
It is my #1 abx that has helped me. Different folks have a different mix of infections so its about
some trial and error and paying attention to your body. *A key reminder when you know a drug is working, is that after some herxing, after time there will be small, gradual bits of improvement following the herxing.*
I will also say, the trio regiman that your son is on is a good one. It hits all of the main B&B&B infections well....I can elaborate on why I say that if you like.
Hope your son feels better real soon!
EDIT: I wanted to come back and say maybe your llmd is having him start the Mepron first because it takes a while for Mepron to start working in the body and wants to give it the time to start penetrating. Regardless though, I would start with the Zith because that will hit all 3 of the BBB's infections to an extent (Borrelia, Bartonella & Babesia) then you know the bacterial load will start to go down with that alone IMO(basically probably the same thinking you were having about
the Zith Huddie).