jrpsf said...
Peteza-Double check with your friend that she's actually had her appt's with Dr H both times.
I'm not doubting you it's just that it's one of the first things that they make clear when you call and make your first appt is that you will only see Dr H every 5th appt or so. There is another practice in our area that runs exactly the same way. People that go to these practices when asked which LLMD they are seeing will say the name of the practice and Pacific Frontier Medical is much more commonly known as Dr H's
It's possible that it's changed because of the increase in demand but I was told very recently about his short work week.
I take her at her word and I will not question her about
trivial stuff that really doesn't matter to me. She is trying to be a nurse working 12 hour shifts 3 days a week and having lyme for years. And she lives 4 hours from his office. They, (regular doctors) told her she had MS for years and was on all kinds of weird drugs. I am not going to question her. That just isn't my way.
I believe her. I have no idea when her appointments were. I just love and care about