floridadude23 said...
Girlie said...
floridadude23 said...
I have read this thread with great interest. I can't believe the cavitation procedure [and/or removing root canals/amalgams] isn't a sticky on every single lyme forum page. These dental infections and/or mercury filling toxicity are obviously the root cause, the triggers for chronic pathogenic illness.
I don't know if you can say it is the root cause in all cases.
I am questioning my amalgams now that I am treating and not at full healing yet...could it be what's holding me back? possibly, yes.
But, I know a few people who have healed from their tick-borne disease(s) without removing their amalgams (I don't know if they had root canals...they may have, but I never asked).
So, in their case, the amalgams weren't the 'root' cause - the infection(s) were.Toxicities/immune stressors are always the root cause. This is why most lyme patients are not 9 years old, but age 25+, usually on the older side, and usually with a lifetime of toxicities from vaccinations/heavy metals from fillings/cavitations/root canals etc. A healthy immune system will keep the body free of pathogenic overgrowth.
I challenge you or any scientist on earth to present me with one human being who has chronic lyme [or any other chronic pathogenic infection], who has never had flu shots, vaccinations, or toxic dental work done. I'll even accept one case with no dental work alone. And barring a major physical trauma like a car accident or gunshot injury, though a healthy body should repair those injuries. Find me just one and it would disprove what I'm saying, but I don't think its possible to find me even one.
This obsession with chasing pathogens is insane. I'm sorry I'm not trying to come off as rude/arrogant. I know people mean well and it took me a while to get out of this paradigm, I wasted 2 years on it. Germs do not cause disease- a weak immune system does. We live with microbes. We have trillions on our skin and in our gut. We were probably all exposed to lyme as kids from a bug bite, but didnt fall sick until later in life...why?? Join the FB groups for amalgams or cavitations, lyme often becomes a forgotten footnote once the mercury toxicity is addressed or the cavitations are fixed. And I would bet my life that in your case and many others', your symptoms/lyme overgrowth is from your mercury toxicity from the fillings.Because all human beings with chronic lyme have had either one or more: flu shots, vaccinations, toxic dental work does not mean they are the root cause. That doesn't prove cause and effect.
I do believe infected with more than one germ i.e.: lyme, bartonella, babesia...etc. can cause immune suppression to make healing difficult.
i am not saying that other things don't factor in...of course they do...but I'm not ready to believe the root cause is amalgams and/or cavitations. I know people who have healed with those issues not addressed. And those are just the ones that I asked about
those issues. Does it add to the burden...yes...is it THE issue...I'm not sure.
Is it my problem? Could be...