Anyone here had psych issues prior to lyme? If so, how did lyme affect your moods & emotions?
I ask because I've been experiencing anxiety and depression- my moods are all over the place and I am struggling with the fear of going out (extreme social anxiety). I have had anxiety and depression issues throughout my life, but this is the the worst it's been in years. I haven't worked in months and I'm tired of feeling stuck inside. I want and need to get back to work and to being social, but I feel like I'm losing my mind. Plus, I think being holed up in my house all day is not helping the depression
I suppose I'm confused about
the symptoms I'm having because they feel like ones I've experienced before lyme- depression+anxiety and gastro issues. If it weren't for the weird bite I got last fall and my positive DNA Connexions test, I wouldn't think myself as someone with lyme. I'm just uncertain what is lyme and what's not.
In the past I've taken lexapro (and xanax as needed). As for the lexapro, I did ok on it in the past, but got off of it almost cold turkey 3 years ago and had brain zaps for about
a year after (sometimes still get a few at night). I tried taking 1/2 a xanax yesterday and had a weird reaction to it- took it at noon and felt ok, but at 7pm started having anxiety, pounding heart and headache. I wonder why I had that reaction when I did fine with xanax in the past.
Any suggestions on how to proceed? Are there lyme literate psychiatrists in California? Also, I'd love some more recs of LLMDs or LLNDs in CA. I tried going to two counselors of late, but they just don't get what I'm going through and I'm searching for a new LLMD because he doesn't take my symptoms seriously. Any suggestions, tips, etc. are appreciated. Thank you!