magoo2 said...
traveler - sounds like you had quite a bad deal with dental-as have I. I have also had to work with several dds and have learned so much from the biological dds and have regained most of my health. With a little luck tomorrow morning will be my last dental surgery. I was surprised you stated that a face rash could not be related to a cavitation-mine was!
No not everyone with lyme has dental issue-but would be well worth the money for all to get checked by a biological dds. Its amazing how many dentist simply miss it and how many doctors never consider it. To my way of thinking if you had lyme for years why would you not spend a couple hundred and get checked by a biological dds?
Magoo, yes, it would be good to check dental issues out by a biological dds...but there's other avenues to check out as well. I haven't checked out the mold issue, or the heavy metals from amalgams...or do I have an autoimmune reaction now that needs to be addressed...etc.
It wouldn't be a couple hundred for would be 5-600 just for the appt, and my travel - not including any imaging, etc..
I'm not sure it should be a priority for me right now.
Maybe, one day...I will get there.