julymorning said...
ChickNorris, the more I read, the more I think that might be a good idea.
This would go along with Buhner's point of view that remodulation - getting the body as much up to snuff as you can - before killing with chemicals, so much easier on you and probably better in the long run anyway.
Hoping the best for you, keep us posted on how you're feeling.
Oh, and if you have developed de-toxing habits, keep at them!
Yes, I think the short break will do me good. I know I haven't been on abx for long but it's been hard on my stomach. I plan to keep up the probiotics and detoxing while on my break. Miraculously enough, one of my painful nerve spots on my head is gone! It had been painful to wash or brush my hair for months and it was still there this afternoon. But now, it's gone!! I know God knew I needed a tiny ray of hope so I am super thankful for this little improvement.