darling787 said...
I definitely feel better off everything but not 100%..only like 75% and I still have muscle aches and a weird foreign body sensation. Trying individual herbs may make sense. I used to take MCBAR-1 and that was manageable..but I wasn't sure if it could actually cure me.
Okay. So that creates a clearer picture. If you feel 75% better (which I am assuming means the same as 75% recovered) when not treating with anything, it means you are doing too much right now.
Treating lyme is a delicate balance of doing "enough" to effectively treat but not so much that you can't function. Your 75% may dip to 50% while treating (but not treating too much), but you shouldn't crash down to 0%.
Treating lyme is a long journey (relatively speaking) and because it's long you have to continue with your life. Your job, your family, your friends, your life. Don't put yourself out of commission, treating too hard.