Zoner said...
Thank you for your kind advecies, as they come from the real ligelfe experience. Thing about lyme is that not even she would take atbs for prevention, and for me, the LLMD I used to visit in Austtia says that theres nothing left for her to give me, since i can live normallysith all the symptoms. So yeah, any ideas like asparagus are welcome. I would even go for a round of atbs but no way for her
You need to find a new LLMD. I think standard protocol is to get you to 100% then continue treatment for 2-3 months afterwards to make sure. Are you sure your girlfriend isn't already infected? If you've had unprotected sex, she very well might be and just be asymptomatic. I agree with taking antibiotics while pregnant, but finding a doctor to do that would be near impossible unless she was symptomatic.