Hi All,
So I started back into treatment back at the end of December, and since that time, I have had improvements!!! I managed to survive a basic head cold (LOL!) without a secondary sinus infection, and I am feeling more stable and not crashing at the end of each day even if I did nothing!!! Woo hoo!!!
I can actually survive a day of doing errands now!!
Since dropping my health insurance, I've been able to afford to get the higher quality of a few things (ashwagandha, lysine) and have added in some things that I previously could not afford (iodine tincture, Immune Shield Gold, red root tincture, lion's mane) as well as making my own dandelion tincture that I have also added in.
I had a serious bout of intestinal cramping that I believe was part of a herx (maybe/hopefully?) and it was during that 2 day period that I ran out of astragalus (lesson learned!! Do NOT wait to fill those caps!), and so when I restarted them, I foolishly restarted at full doses.
LOL! You would think that I would know better!!
Well, the good news is I can definitely report that it's working!!!! Ha ha ha!! Ick. Whine whine whine! I was herxing pretty good last night! But it's seemed to calmed down quite a bit this morning- so on with the extra detoxing.
I was planning on start Bart treatments soon, but after my little 'incident' with the astragalus, now I'm beginning to wonder if I should start with Lyme treatment - although I did prove to myself that astragalus was 'holding back' my Lyme. I may still start with Bart treatments, since it's going unopposed in my body at this time - and I'm sick of dealing with my Barty bladder and painful feet and legs.
Decisions, decisions, decisions!!