Traci said...
Yes I'm already changing my diet up. Looking into natural treatments until I can get seen and diagnosed. My primary care doctor did give me a western blot test. It came out negative. I was also on antibotics a couple of days before so not sure if that could be why or just for the simple fact the test she did isn't 100% accurate. I was on antibotics for a sinus infection which I doubt I had. Ent gave them too me anyways since I'm having pain in the sinus areas. When I was on the antibotics all my symptoms got so bad. I couldn't take a few steps without being short of breathe. Which can be a good indication that I have lyme. But I have a few questions. Did you or anyone else test negative before testing positive? And if I go through Igenex what test/package should I start out with? Also could it be possible to not have lyme but have the co-infections?
Just having your doctor tell you the western blot was negative isn't enough. It's likely they're going by CDC criteria for Lyme, which is complete non-sense.
For instance, you could have positive bands at 31, 34, 39, and 41, and the Western Blot would read negative by CDC guidelines. Your doctor tells you it's negative, and you move on with you life.
Any LLMD, or anyone who knows anything about
Lyme, would call that test result a resounding positive.
See if you can get the full test results from your doctor.
Edit: for Igenex tests, you'll want a Western Blot IGM & IGG (tests #188 and 189), and a full co-infection panel (test #5090... or 5095 if you want the additional Bartonella FISH... probably worth it but don't know the price difference).
Post Edited (Mustard Seed) : 3/21/2017 2:18:05 PM (GMT-6)