mpost said...
- is the blood red or black? if it is red and fresh, 95% chance it's a hemorroid, internal ones are painless most of time. lyme causes gut malfunction, paralysis of gut produces constipation/hemorhoids, and then bacterial overgrowth and diarhea.
- if it's black u should seek a GI doc ASAP
- white lumps/patches are mucus from inflammation in your gut. i find coconut oil helps a lot with these
- i ran DOZENS of stool tests , they never were able to find parasites or pathogenic flora. so i am a hard sell on the worms idea. unless u see them in stool or have a lab che ck your stool regularily. Ascaris is HUGE, 15cm long, u really cannot miss them when in stool. eggs can be detected by simple repeated stool parasite test.
- if u take abx and have diahrea for days go to the dr asap, c. diff can be deadly.
good luck!
A Dr. who does colonoscopies (for polyps/colon cancer) told me that cancer that is low down can produce red blood. It's black if it's further up that's all.
...and all bleeding should be checked out to make sure they are internal hemerhoids and not cancer.
If the bleeding continues, I would talk to your Dr. about