Thanks July- I don't think I'm detoxing well enough. I do some lemon water and an occasional salt bath, but know I need to improve on that front.
I'm not on much of a protocol right now either- was working my way up on sawmento & banderol drops and was herxing just at 8 drops! I was crying, moody... felt like I was losing it emotionally-it was awful
I'll try to do some research on anti-depressants w/ long term neuro problems since I know you're having trouble accessing your bookmarks (sorry to hear you've having computer problems).
It seems like all ADs have issues so picking one feels like a heck of an ordeal. Plus, I know withdrawal can be tough- been there. I've been free of them for 3 years, so going back on feels like defeat, but I don't know how else to hang in there.