Hi, I haven't read everything above, but I have been using Sanum products for more than 10 years.
I used to love them, these are the first products dr. K uses against candida and fungi.
As I'm super sensitive to most things, yep, I loved Sanum.
Since my lyme got dormant, I continued using Sanum, and they usually solved my candida rather fast, with foot baths and no-sugar-diet. I never stopped totally fruits or carbs, but Sanum could put these infections mostly dormant, anyway. That happened for years.
Of course, I needed detox, like with lyme, so loads of chlorella, bear garlic, sulphur contaning things, sometimes propolis, sometimes some infrared, omega 3, high protein diet, stuff like that.
As I'm in that candida war for about
30 years (no kidding), well, what I can say that it goes on and off with certain patterns (for me, at least).
It is totally part of immune deficiency, in my case, as it only comes back in winter, when the immune system is weaker, less vit D, less fresh fruits (vitamins)
I never went into chemicals (only at the very start, but I just know I hate these chemicals... even strong herbals cause me too much trouble), so I only did my treatment 'naturally', mostly with homeopathy (Sanum, some Pekana, some Heel products, some other products to support detox organs).
I also used the dr. K's KMT, with rife frequencies in the past, but it was way too weak for my candida problem...
After the years using Sanum, they stopped working too well.
The reason, say most homeopaths, is that Sanum is not dealing with the causes of immune weakness. It lures the immune system to attack pathogens, but it does not correct the basic problem: immune deficiency.
As I was too lazy to look into more treatments after my lyme went dormant (fed up with drs, treatments!), well I continued my lazy Sanum protocols for many years.
I bought, I think, EVERYTHING Sanum had, and even imported from abroad some Sanum that had disappeared from the market in Germany / Switzerland.
So really, I know all Sanum, I think, I tried almost all of their products, and I still use them, but not really for candida anymore. Not in the last 2, 3 years, I mean.
Mostly for other infections, Strep, Staph, Trichophyton, Notakehl for most viruses, etc. These products still amaze me, how fast recovery is.
Not for candida, though: not anymore.
I think candida is smart enough to change and now it reacts only mildly to Sanum. It takes many years though, for that to happen. So if you are new in candida, just go for Sanum. I recommend!
If you are more than a decade chronic, well, the only way out is to correct the whole milieu, I believe.
Heavy metal detox and EMR avoidance /protection, parasite cleansing, regulating ANS, stuff like that.
I ate all sorts of probiotics in my life, and now I swear by one: kimchi, home made. Amazing effects, in my case. And it is tasty, for me.
but as soon as cold comes, back is my skin candida.
Exactly what people call 'pernio' or 'chillblain', in my case, are surely candidal infections. They come with cold weather.
Every year, I get them in winter, but in the last years, the time and aggressiveness of candida is decreasing, surely. I am sick less months a year, and candida got less aggressive. Well. 30 years are 30 years.
So I'm still patiently trying new solutions.
One thing for sure: if I attack candida FRONTALLY, meaning, with aggressive killers, then on top make an aggressive diet, it will only make my candida fight back with 10 times more virulence!
I swear by this pattern! The more aggressive you attack, the most pernicious it gets.
Candida can make spores and make the life a hell.
It's VERY MUCH LIKE Borrelia! Attack Borrelia too frontally, it simply makes cysts, and will make your life a bigger hell. At least, that was my experience.
Only gentle attack, by modulating the immune system had put Bb totally dormant for us home (now for 8 years dormant).
I'm still to find a cure for candida!
A couple of years ago, I found an amazing detox device, cheap, called the Violet Ray, and it helped reduce my candida quite fast (because it detoxed nerves, boosted my immune system somehow, as it made me soooo relaxed and gave me so much nice energy, like a battery charging device).
It does not kill candida, exactly, it just cleans the organs, relaxes and gives the body a boost of energy, so again, it attacks candida not frontally, but 'sideways' in a way.
I think I will also invest on a ionic detox foot bath to help boost the detox.
The last days, I'm trying a new strategy too with Vital Force tech products (I don't think you guys can have that easily there in the US, but I can buy them here in Europe). They also attack the problem by reducing stress, regulating the ANS, sympathetic - parasympathetic, and hormones... I'll let you guys know.