I truly wonder about
ozone injections... My lyme doctor has been using it for about
a decade, but he's been sending patients to cavitation surgery for almost 2 decades.
He uses procaine, then ozone, if I remember well. The ozone injections are quite easy, not very painful, you just get a discomfort after. But you need constant ozone treatments, and not all teeth are cleaned, only the best ones. He explained that clearly, and I think dr. K. is also of the same opinion.
He follows dr. K, mostly.
The dentist of Paracelsus said he inject homeopathics, Sanum products. I INGESTED homeopathics and nosodes after my 7 extractions.
But I think their method is even better, because he sees patients AFTER the cavitation was done.
Not everyone can do implants, because there is little bone left, in some cases. If you had bone, needed to grafting, it means your cavitation was not bad, but only light.
Mine were all bad, all 7 of them.
I would also like to get the zirconium implants, if I was allowed. But I wasn't.
I used Sanum products EXTENSIVELY and I still do. I never used abx for my jaws, teeth etc. I mean, not in the last 10 years. I'm still fighting with my left cheekbone.
I know stuff like Rife, some infrared, and PEMFs CROSS the bone and could treat it.
From all 7 cavitations, I had lasting problems just with one, that I lost during lyme, to severe infection of the root.
I clearly felt stinging pains after GcMaf, and some relief with cannabis, so I do think macrophages had been activated there. The problem seems to have gone down, but it's still not totally finished...
After lyme went dormant in 2009, I still lost teeth, because I left some dead teeth there. I took them all off, and have been using the Violet Ray very often exactly there, on the jaws, for more than 2 years. Since then, knocking on wood, no more lost teeth.
I do feel it gives a boost to the lymph, my teeth feel stronger now than 3 years ago.
but I do doubt that ozone injections would have made my bones grow again.... You had to see the size of the holes the surgeon did in the bones...
I read today about
Symphitum, a homeopathic product used for bone loss, broken bones, osteoporosis, wound healing in the bones... I think I will order it and test it energetically to see if they fit to my jaw situation...
The descript
ion of the Paracelsus dentist is right: bones much farther away from the point the dentist can reach can be truly affected. Not always, but they can.
Some of my teeth sort of scared the surgeon: while he was drilling the bones to clean infected bones, his drilling machine kept finding holes and his hand kept slipping and he kept saying, 'sorry'!
Just picture the situation!! It's like drilling holes on a wall that's got full of holes already.
One of the few things I felt helped so far, was my violet ray, a nose liquid nosode I did home, and some of VFT products (GcMaf, for example)...
I wonder about
stronger PEMFs. Has anyone tried PEMFs?