DJF2005 said...
Thanks everybody and yeah I pretty much address everything. After all this time I lead my doctor which is also exhausting. I do think I need to be less aggressive with the herbs. It's only been a week on them and I always rush to get on things and start the herx vortex that is so hard to then get out of. We keep moving forward. There is no alternative. Thanks for the kind words. I really really appreciate it.
We do have to remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint to the finish line. Rushing things has never worked out well with these infections.
I would encourage you to lower your doses a bit and increase your detoxing. This should begin to ease your symptom severity. Be sure to use some binders for a while to lower the toxin load more quickly.
You can lower your doses up to half for several days without hardly changing the course of your treatment, then ramp back up slowly as you can tolerate it.
I've been in horrible, long term herxing, and it took me many months to recover from it, so pushing your body harder than it can go only leads to longer breaks from treatments.
Hang in there!!