frikfrak said...
my ds (26) is taking 2 pills of Malarone in am and pm, so 4 per day.
Suspected babesia because of high Eosinophil Cationic PROT...20 (normal is 2-10).
Also on Artemisin SOD, 1 pill 2x day, i'm pulsing it, 7 days on / 7 days off and
Pau d'Arco, 1 pill 2x day for yeast.
Anyone been on Artemisin SOD? did it help?
Was thinking of asking doc to add in Alinia. Only thing that ever made a difference years ago was a parasite treatment from Dr. H. Although did try treatment couple more times and did nothing. No longer with him, seeing someone more local.
Been sick for 7 1/2 years, lyme / babesia / RMSF...suspected bart. Been on multiple abx / supps / iv....even did Sub Q ivig....nothing....still only mentally disabled, nothing ever physical, at least not that we can tell...he doesn't speak really. Can't answer questions.
did just order on the autism forum that it helps with language....we'll see.
Do you think this is good or does another abx need to be with Malarone?
Also doing buhner herbs, jp and sida acuta for now....plan on adding in others.
Again on mentally affected ever....any other suggestions?
He needs to be on an antibiotic with the malarone.
Also the Artemisinin dosage is low. (if I'm right that it is only 500 mg daily of the Art ?)
Have you taken him to one of the top LLMD's? I'm wondering - since you haven't seen results yet...if that might be a good option?
and has he ever been on Mepron?