Pirouette said...
Hi Kak282 -
Agree w/ Girlie - you might need to step down your treatment just for a little while, allow your body to adjust and recover a bit, then resume optimal doses. You might need to work up to optimal dose a little more slowly.
Anxiety can be VERY tough and scary. It's a "neurological-psychological" or neuro-psycho symptom that results from neurotransmitter imbalances. Several components of the infections AND/OR the treatment of the infections can cause the imbalance and it's sometimes a trial-and-error to figure out what it is and how to address it.
I suffered greatly with neurotransmitter disasters at several points in my treatment and this is what I've learned over the years:
Detox is key, so try covering the following bases -
- Pinella and Burbur tinctures by Nutrimedix help detox the brain
- detox the gut (remember the gut-brain connection science finally proved when they found the blood vessels directly connecting the two) and this generally requires gut binders
- skin is the largest detox organ - try gentle soaks (slowly work up to optimal detox soaks with epsom salts, sea salt, hydrogen peroxide, heat, duration)
Bacterial imbalance in the gut also exacerbate neurotransmitter imbalances and with all the antimicrobials we're on, most of us end up with problems. Make sure you don't have a yeast/fungal overgrowth and have a near-perfect diet. You should explore probiotics or eating good, fermented foods.
Make sure your bowel movements are VERY regular - binders always help me with this.
Hope that's helpful -
Thank you so much! Can you recommend a good gut binder?