summer16 said...
Octobersky, it is such a long story so I will condense it. I relapsed back in January after being on only 100 mg of doxy. Dr. S in NJ wanted me to straighten out my methylation issues before continuing my treatment so I had been seeing a functional chiropractic doc since last year. I have had extreme suicidal anxiety since January. I still don't know how I lived through that. Anyway, my family wanted me to continue with abx treatment and since I was too sick to travel to see Dr. S I made an appointment with Dr. W which was much closer to home. My first visit was a 2 1/2 hour evaluation. I had 10 vials of blood drawn and another Western blot test sent to Igenix. I saw Dr. W on the 1st of this month. He seems to be very knowledgable with Lyme and co-infections. He admitted he has been treating Lyme patients for only 3 years and has seen maybe 70 to 80 patients. He is also a homeopathic doctor. Well, I tested negative for borelliosis, bartonella and babesia. Although the test did show positive for IgM band 41 and indeterminate for bands 23-25 and 39. The Western Blot for IgG was indeterminate for band 41. He was not comfortable treating me with tests not showing a positive diagnosis. Mind you, I was cdc positive for borreliosis in 2012 through Quest lab. Dr. W perscribed Biaxin and Doxy and 10 .05 mg of Ativan. After taking 1 dose of Ativan and the antibiotics my intense anxiety decreased to a very mild level with days of no anxiety.....I have no idea why that happened but it was a blessing. I know I have viruses and probable parasites. No candida symptoms at this time.
I have been dealing with these infections since 2009 but have been treating since 2012. I am at a loss what to do but will make another appointment with Dr S if he will take me for now. I am also tbinking of restarting some of the Buhner tinctures, too, but will go at a very slow pace. I feel defeated. At least for now.
So frustrating. I guess I can also cross him off my list then. Dr. S should see you. I hope you can figure this out and get some relief with Buhner herbs. Hugs~