needhammom said...
New to this site. Sick for two and a half years, possibly longer, but that is when symptoms started. Diagnosed five months ago with late stage Lyme, babesia, bartonella and toxoplasmosis. Bart symptoms were under control while on doxycycline and bactrim but have flared again on only bactrim. Taking mepron for babesia seven days a week and azithromycin three days a week (tinnitus unbearable at seven days a week) so my LLD says no doxycycline while on mepron and that we have to cure the babesia if I have any hope of curing bartonella and Lyme. But leg and foot weakness and arm nerve pain are pretty bad and would love to eliminate them. What herbs can I take to knock out bartonella until I can restart doxycycline?
Hi needhammom - welcome to our community!
I see Hoagie has provided you with Buhner's herbal approach to bartonella.
I suggest that you start with one tincture and only a few drops... increase every few days until you are at a low dose 3X daily..
Then add in a second herb...and do the same.
It's best to get all the herbs in at low dose before increasing to higher doses - as the herbs work synergistically.
Japanese Knotweed is a good one to start with - it's also in the Lyme protocol.
We encourage our new members to read through the information in the thread: "New to Lyme?..Start Here!" It's packed full of useful information.
Do you have a good detox regimen in place? Detoxing is crucial when treating these infections.