hammer8 said...
I am having a tough time discerning bartonella from babesia based on symptom descriptions I have found online. Some people claim that bartonella is primarily responsible for neuro symptoms, while other sources attribute these same symptoms to babesia.
Here are the symptoms I have been experiencing:
-Brain fog
-Derealization/depersonalization - it feels like I have been living in a dream for 6 months
-PVCs (also a debate whether these are caused by babs or bart)
-Poor short term memory
-Poor word recall
-Head pressure
-Lightheadedness upon standing
-Numbness in left leg
-Barely any physical pain whatsoever
I herx heavily off of CSA, and the symptoms that are exacerbated are mainly depersonalization, brain fog, head pressure, and malaise.
In your opinion, does this sound like babs or bart? I am taking mepron and zithromax, but have not herxed from it.
Thank you!
I agree with the others - this is not easy and can also be Lyme.
These sx are known as "neurological-psychological" or neuro-psych sx caused by neurotransmitter imbalances. Sometimes, the problem originates in the GI - and neurotoxins get into the brain through the connecting blood vessels (think gut-brain connection):
-Brain fog
-Derealization/depersonalization - it feels like I have been living in a dream for 6 months
-Poor short term memory
-Poor word recall
-Head pressure
I had all of those sx and tons more. I was pos for Lyme and pos for "bart-like' or BLO. I could never get a pos babesia test but treated it anyway.
When I started abx for Lyme and another for bart - both times I herxed horribly for about
3-4 wks with these sx - VERY EXTREME plus a few other sx. Over time, they got better. I started on CSA and they got pretty bad again for awhile. I herxed pretty bad on A-bab as well.
After treating everything for almost 4 years I'm done w/ Lyme abx and bart-like abx and transitioning to all-herbs. Still on babs herbs. I also still have some of those neuro-psych sx just on a much lesser scale. I wonder if it's permanent damage.
My Lyme-knowledgable neurologist suggests most neuropathy is from inflammation so that's something to look into for some of those sx. I like the idea of adding JK.