NicHostetler said...
Solaris719 said...
NicHostetler said...
I am back on babesia treatment with Mepron and Zithromax (and lots of herbs) after taking a month break for work related traveling. Before the break I had taken it for 2 months.
My experience was exactly how you described. The first month was fine for me.. Maybe some weird herxing symptoms here and there but nothing to write home about.
Then around week 4 I had terrible head pressure and almost burning like pain on my scalp. I could barely focus on anything and could absolutely not go shopping. It was terrible. I just would get so overwhelmed.
The anxiety stuff kind of stopped by week 8 when I took a break but I still had terrible dizziness, fatigue, head pressure, fatigue, heart palps, etc.
Those sx did not improve after stopping so here I go again starting the mepron and zithromax for at least 3-4 more months.
I started last Thursday night and it's been kind of rough. I have been extremely moody, fatigued, weak and my air hunger is bad (feel the need to constantly yawn). Maybe the herx is coming faster since I already had a couple months of treatment before my break a month ago..
I am sure I am missing other sx I was having too, but I just know it was similar to you.. first 4 weeks were fine then out of the blue it hit me hard.
Please keep us updated on your progress! I read a lot of people having the same experience as hammer had - after 2-3 months the sx improve a LOT. I have yet to feel the turnaround but I hope it is close!
Thank you so much for the reply, it is good to know that I am not the only one experiencing these things. When I first started Mepron I could not stop yawning either - I did not realize that this was considered air hunger! I had a similar episode yesterday even though my last dose of Mepron was Wed night 2/14. I am still dealing with terrible anxiety, some head pressure, fatigue and mild weakness, and intermittent mild dizziness.
I am off the Mepron until Friday after speaking to my LLMD this AM regarding my symptoms and liver function tests. This week my regiment is now Azithromyicin 500mg 1x/day Mon-Thurs, back to Doxy 100mg 2x/day (going back to the typical 200mg twice per day if liver function tests improve) and Mepron 750mg 2x/day (Fri, Sat, Sun). He wants to reduce my overall antibiotic load and because Mepron has such a long half life allows it to be pulsed. I am hoping that this will allow me to continue treatment without impeding my ability to work and especially without beating up my liver. I cannot handle another herx like that again. I am hoping that any subsequent herxes will be more tolerable than the initial one.Mepron is very hard on your liver.. every time I start it and get lazy with my Milk Thistle I see my enzymes shoot up.
I would suggest adding in a liver detox supplement. I take 1000mg of milk thistle and I take it in the middle of the night so it is away from the Mepron because I have heard that it lowers the effectiveness of Mepron but that may not be true because there is no medical research to back it up (according to my LLMD)
Mepron does have a long half life.. I remember when I was having a nasty herx from it around christmas time I had to take a break. It took 3 to 4 full days before the herx subsided.I am back on the milk thistle. I wasn’t taking it because I had read that it lowered the effectiveness of Mepron. However my liver health is much more important and I’ll take it mid day in between doses of Mepron. You take 1000mg? I usually take 350mg.