Thanks, goshawk. Reading through the "New to Lyme" was one of the first things I did ;)
Continuing to heal my digestive system I'm still on Monolaurin, GI Revive, probiotics and digestive enzymes as well as following a very strict diet eliminating foods I tested as sensitive to (IGG/IGA).
For Lyme, my doctor has had me on the RNA Results protocol since May 2017. I definitely experienced herxing as I worked up to full dosage, but haven't seen much by way of "results" - although I can asceed that this could be a result of co-infections as well.
I tested positive for Bartonella early on, and with education about
it we (my doctor and I) decided to focus on treating it before going further with Lyme treatment. I started on 1 drop 2x daily (BID?) of Byron White's A-Bart, with a goal of increasing by 1 drop per week to an effective dose of 20 drops 2x per day. That hasn't worked so well, and after more than seven months, I'm only up to 14 drops. I've had intense, extended herxing that has prevented me from progressing as quickly as I'd like. Guess it's an opportunity to learn a little patience.
Treating Bartonella brought out Babesia, and that seems to be bothering me more than any of the others at the moment.
My doctor is very supportive and ok with me following any course of treatment I'd like - which is helpful if a bit overwhelming. My current thought is to embark upon an herbal protocol, focusing on herbs that hit both Lyme and Babesia, while phasing out the Results RNA protocol. Just wanted to reach out here and see if there's any hope in that approach.
Primary symptoms at the moment include muscle fatigue/pain, brain fog, night sweats, anxiety and low energy.
Thanks again for your time