k07 said...
Girlie said...
k07 said...
Girlie said...
k07 said...
Lots of bacteria have a flagella. I am not sure if it specifically has to be a spirochete with a flagella. If it is a spirochete than the list dwindles significantly to those that Girlie mentioned. I am not sure how the test could tell the difference between spiro and non-spiro flagella.
E coli and salmonella have a flagella.
Okay that makes sense,
So it must be that band 41 on the WB is limited to a spirochete then.You’d think, but I’m not so sure. How would a spirochete flagella differ from a non spirochete flagella? Band 41 is seen in just about
everyone. I am inclined to think it can be both. I wish I could get an answer from an expert on this.Reason I say this is because it is included in test results to determine a positive result for lyme. If it can by anything...then I doubt it would be...no?
Positive: If two or more of the following bands are present: 23, 31, 34, 39, 41 and 93 kDa.Well, I think that is why it must be paired with a more lyme specific band. On its own, I personally wouldn’t jump to lyme. I also would only go by results from a good lab - like igenex. My labcorp blot results are very inconsistent and don’t look anything like my 2 igenex tests.But they all have to be paired with another band from the list...even the lyme specific ones - you're not positive unless there's 2 or more from that list.
IDK - but I think it wouldn't be included at all if "lots of bacteria have a flagella" - Then why even include it, right?